quinta-feira, fevereiro 15, 2007

Excerto da entrevista a Panda Bear (Animal Collective) in Pitchforkmedia.com

>> Favorite New Band

That's difficult for me, but mostly because I feel like I don't know anything about anything right now. I was speaking with someone recently about commercials and about one I was really into (the Chanel advertisement with Nicole Kidman and the Brazilian guy where they shrink a fake movie down to 25 seconds), and we began talking how we both thought it was best to judge something taking into account what we figured the thing was going for or expecting to be. The ad seemed to me a perfect job of goal and application (I certainly couldn't make 25 seconds feel like 2 hours).

In this respect I feel like I could say a band called 4Taste are one of my favorite new bands. They're a Portuguese boy band who formed out of a soap opera they have there. It's a show intended for teenagers called "Morangos com Açúcar" ("Strawberries With Sugar"). It's pretty good, but the band rip, and I like all the songs I've heard (I don't think the band members write them, I should say, but I'm not sure about that). That's not to take away from them at all, because I feel like they're doing exactly what they want to do, and they're doing it really well, and I think that's awesome.

Isto anda tudo maluco! eheeh


segunda-feira, fevereiro 12, 2007

Flashback... concerto Born a Lion & Nicotine's Orchestra...

Sound Check!

Foi uma festa bonita, pá! (eheh!)

Nicotine's Orchestra ou melhor, Nicotinto Orchestra
(Desde já um grande obrigado a este homem! Volta sempre!)

Bonga em mais um banho de cerveja não solicitado, desta vez a vítima foi o baixista dos Born a Lion.

O estado em que ficou a bateria no final do concerto...

Para finalizar...Bonga em grande estilo a domar a sua cadeira extreme!

Maiorais Producções Apresentam...

MRS "A" Tour Goes on n' on ... THE POPPERS + Professor X em RIO MAIOR...

Tenho o prazer de anunciar a grande mega hiper festa de anos do não menos mega hiper grandioso bonga, a realizar-se sábado, dia 17 de fevereiro pelas 23:00 no "In a Bar" em Rio Maior, com a presença dos também grandiosos "The Poppers" e o grande Professor X (o dj João Xavier do programa Curto Circuito da SIC Radical). Apareçam...

Fica aqui a grande actuação dos The Poppers em barcelona, captada pelo meu, também, grandioso irmão!

sábado, fevereiro 03, 2007

nunca temos o tempo...

Dedicado ao meu irmão, que está em tempos de estudo! Abraço!