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O estimado amigo Lança enviou um mail lá de paris, frança, com o seguinte link, onde poderão ler as 50 coisas que o colunista Eric Zorn do Chicago Tribune aprendeu nos seus 50 anos de vida, acabadinhos de fazer por sinal. De entre as muitas constatações, destaco algumas:
1. It’s better to sing off key than not to sing at all.
6. The most valuable thing to have is a good reputation, and it’s neither hard nor expensive to acquire one: Be fair. Be honest. Be trustworthy. Be generous. Respect others.
9. Cough syrup doesn’t work.
34. Laundry day is much easier when all your socks are the same and you don’t have to sort them.
41. Almost no one stretches, flosses or gives compliments often enough.
45. When you’re not the worst-dressed person at a social event, you have nothing to worry about.47. Your education isn’t complete until you’ve learned to take a hint.
48. There’s a good reason to be secretive about your age. People tend to assume things when they know how old you are. “Oh, he’s turning 50,” they might say, for example, “probably full of cranky self-lacerating aphorisms that he thinks qualify as wisdom.” (See "Bored, Tubby, Mild," an animated editorial cartoon along these lines)
49. Whatever your passion, pursue it as though your days were numbered. Because they are.
Outro post que merece o mais dedicado destaque é este aqui do blog Provas de Contacto, onde está reproduzida um excerto de uma entrevista a Rhys Chatham, ver bio na wiki, aqui, onde este, após confrontado com uma questão sobre a cena no-wave novaiorquina dos anos 70 dá uma resposta, no mínimo, genial! Vão lá dar uma espreitadela!
Etiquetas: amy casey, lido por ai
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