quinta-feira, fevereiro 16, 2012

mania de andar atrasado

Where in the world did you come from my dear?
Did some mysterious voice tell you I'd still be here? I bought this ticket to Mobile, but I been stranded all day...p.a. said the bus broke down ten miles away from the station.
So seldom a door...so seldom a key...so seldom a lock like the love between you and me. But seldom comes happiness without the pain of the devil in the details since I saw the smile on your face as I was crying in a Greyhound station on Christmas Day...in 1998.
The burden of love is the fuel of bad grammar.
You stutter and stammer--what a bitch to convey the crux of the matter, when the words you must utter are hopelessly tangled in the memories and scars you show no one. So seldom a door...so seldom a key...so seldom a hit like the hurt you put on me.
But seldom comes happiness without the pain of the devil in the details since I saw the smile on your face as I was crying in a Greyhound station on Christmas Day...in 1998. I remember quite clearly, a bad Muzak version of James Taylor's big hit, called "Fire and Rain" was playing as you crouched down and tearfully kissed me, and I thought, "Damn, what good fiction I will mold from this terrible pain." So seldom a door...so seldom a key...so seldom a gift like the gift you gave me. But seldom comes happiness without the pain of the devil in the details since I saw the smile on your face as I was crying in a Greyhound station on Christmas Day...in 1998. Amazing grace, how sweet the smile upon the face I never thought I'd see you again...especially here in this Greyhound station...on Christmas Day...in 1998


songs to live by

Ramblin' Man
Get More: Ramblin' Man


quarta-feira, fevereiro 15, 2012

randy newman é o maior escritor de canções vivo

e tiro os óculos se for preciso dizer isto na cara de alguém

randy newman tickle me ----> aqui


segunda-feira, fevereiro 13, 2012

I wonder how things might have been...but then, then I just drifted away.


sexta-feira, fevereiro 10, 2012

o último adeus

domingo, fevereiro 05, 2012

sou um homem que sofre dos nervos

comentários do youtube que valem a pena

" i get drunk alone every monday listenin to this song"


quinta-feira, fevereiro 02, 2012


quarta-feira, fevereiro 01, 2012

categoria de música

Mr Brendan Benson, Bad for me. ouvir e download aqui: http://soundcloud.com/lojinx/brendan-benson-bad-for-me-free-download
