segunda-feira, março 30, 2009
sábado, março 28, 2009
Bons tempos...
Deliciem-se com este
Inside Looking Out
uma cover dos Grand Funk Railroad por Dan Auerbach, simplesmente fantástica!quarta-feira, março 25, 2009
go tell the host he's on time, it's the day of the big surprise
Grab your shovel, let's get to it! There's no one way how to do it
and there'll be no war or sad goodbyes on the day of the big surprise
segunda-feira, março 23, 2009
Eles andam aí...
So the saying says
"An elephant never forgets"
Standing in the concrete cave
Swaying sad and insane
They walked over the ocean
In their dreams they dream awake
Until the lights grew dim
Until the cop cars came
Everybody tells me this is crazy
Yes, I know it
I'm a man, man, man
Man, man, man eater
But still you're surprised-prised-prised
When I eat you
You know
They call them killer whales
But you seem surprised
When it pinned you down to the bottom of the tank
Where you can't turn around
It took half your leg, and both your lungs
When I craved, I ate hearts of sharks
I know you know it
I'm a man, man, man
Man, man, man eater
But still you're surprised-prised-prised
When I eat you
Yes, I'm a man, man, man
Man, man, man eater
But still you're surprised-prised-prised
When I eat you
It will end again in bullets, friend
It will end again in bullets, friend
What's wrong, dear brother? Have you lost your faith?
Don't you remember a better place?
Needles and things, done you in
Like the setting sun
Oh, dear brother, trouble weighs a ton
What's wrong, dear sister? Did your world fall down?
Men misuse you and push you around
Same story dear, year after year
Faith will run
Oh, dear sister, trouble weighs a ton
Trouble in the air
Trouble all I see
Does anybody care
Trouble killin' me
Whoa, it's killin' me
What's wrong, dear mother? Has your child disobeyed?
Left you hurtin' in so many ways
What once was sweet, the sorrow and greet
Cannot be undone
Oh, dear mother, trouble weighs a ton
Oh, dear mother, trouble weighs a ton
sexta-feira, março 20, 2009
Well I ....died... in Penn Station tonigh, oh Lord

but a faster train is coming near, got the devil's engineers, oh Lord,
A ouvir aqui. Mais uma novidade do muito aguardado novo álbum dos Felice Brothers!
Etiquetas: the felice brothers
late night blues
Etiquetas: flaming lips, late night blues
quinta-feira, março 19, 2009
Um belo cartaz

E uma possível grande noite em antecipação. A conferir in situ.
Etiquetas: public announcement ...with guitars, samuel uria
late night blues
Etiquetas: beck, big star, elliot smith, jeff buckley, late night blues
quarta-feira, março 18, 2009
lido por aí...

1. It’s better to sing off key than not to sing at all.
6. The most valuable thing to have is a good reputation, and it’s neither hard nor expensive to acquire one: Be fair. Be honest. Be trustworthy. Be generous. Respect others.
9. Cough syrup doesn’t work.
34. Laundry day is much easier when all your socks are the same and you don’t have to sort them.
41. Almost no one stretches, flosses or gives compliments often enough.
45. When you’re not the worst-dressed person at a social event, you have nothing to worry about.47. Your education isn’t complete until you’ve learned to take a hint.
48. There’s a good reason to be secretive about your age. People tend to assume things when they know how old you are. “Oh, he’s turning 50,” they might say, for example, “probably full of cranky self-lacerating aphorisms that he thinks qualify as wisdom.” (See "Bored, Tubby, Mild," an animated editorial cartoon along these lines)
49. Whatever your passion, pursue it as though your days were numbered. Because they are.
Etiquetas: amy casey, lido por ai
terça-feira, março 17, 2009
e esta??
Artistes confirmats Artistas confirmados Confirmed artists:
Dijous 28 de maig Jueves 28 de mayo Thursday 28th of may
My Bloody Valentine Aphex Twin Yo La Tengo The Jesus Lizard Phoenix Squarepusher The Vaselines Spectrum Andrew Bird Jay Reatard Lightning Bolt The Bats Marnie Stern Dead Meadow Ponytail Ebony Bones Wooden Shjips The Bug Bowerbirds Joe Crepúsculo y Los Destructores Wavves The Tallest Man On Earth Women Magik Markers Veracruz La Bien Querida Girls Cuzo Meneo
Divendres 29 de maig Viernes 29 de mayo Friday 30th of may
My Bloody Valentine* Bloc Party Jarvis Cocker Spiritualized Throwing Muses Saint Etienne Shellac Joe Henry Art Brut A Certain Ratio Sunn O))) Magnolia Electric Co. Jason Lytle The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart Michael Mayer Dan Deacon Ensemble Rhythm & Sound (Mark Ernestus) The Mae Shi The Drones Bat For Lashes Damien Jurado Fucked Up The Extraordinaires Tokyo Sex Destruction Crystal Stilts Vivian Girls Crystal Antlers Uffie Extra Life Mahjongg Carsick Cars Sleepy Sun Los Punsetes Skatebård Extraperlo Rosvita
Dissabte 30 de maig Sábado 30 de mayo Saturday 30th of may
Neil Young Sonic Youth The Jayhawks Michael Nyman Ghostface Killah The New Year Liars Herman Dune Deerhunter Black Lips The Bad Plus Gang Gang Dance Oneida Th' Faith Healers DJ /rupture Ariel Pink El-P Simian Mobile Disco Jeremy Jay A-Trak Jesu Alela Diane Shearwater Kitty Daisy & Lewis The Soft Pack Chad VanGaalen Plants & Animals The Secret Society Maika Makovski Zombie Zombie The Lions Constellation Lemonade Dj Mehdi
Vi agora que calha no fds que temos concerto marcado para o in-a-bar! oh que grande bronca!!!
domingo, março 15, 2009
sunday afternoon
that sound has so much soul to it
c'mon, gimme some of that sitcom bass...
This is why rave ended 2 days ago, and theres still three people left...
gimmie that laser beam
Two turntables and a Casio
I think we need to end this before we get arrested by the music police
:) LOL
Etiquetas: beck
lido por aí...
"Esta gaija rula"
Esta gaija rula tiranicamente. Obscenamente cool.
Entrevista ABC News
Entrevista Tavis Smiley PBS
sábado, março 14, 2009
sexta-feira, março 13, 2009
Nada mau...

-- You know that sword that Neko Case wields so suavely on the cover of Middle Cyclone? She's using it to stab her way into America's headspace. According to Billboard, Middle Cyclone sold 44,000 copies in its first week. It debuts at #3 on the Billboard 200, just below U2 and Taylor Swift. Suck on that, Watchmen soundtrack.
Fonte: Pitchfork, aqui.
Etiquetas: neko case
late night blues
Etiquetas: beck, late night blues
quarta-feira, março 11, 2009
late night blues
life is an adventure of our own design,
intercepted by faith and a series of lucky and unlucky accidents
à memória vem a energia contagiante do concerto da Patti Smith em Lisboa em Outubro de 2007. Muito bom este documentário, vão ve-lo enquanto está em exibição!
Etiquetas: late night blues, patti smith
terça-feira, março 10, 2009
lido por aí
1. Post sobre a Neko Case, aqui.
2. Post sobre calinadas ortográficas, aqui.
e ainda um excelente artigo (mais um) do Son of Dave, que, para além de ser grande músico, tem um sentido de humor apurado, aqui. Reprodução do texto sem a permição do artista, mas ele não se deve importar mesmo!
It's time to pick the weakest gate and smash through it
“Look ready to face the day,” you fascist swine worshipper. Get out of bed and put on your gimp suit, the Nivea ad says. Look forward to the profits. If you spray this slick shit on your face, no one will smell the hungry stray you slept with last night while you were all coked up. If you wear this urban camouflage, no one will recognise you from the disco the night before. You can go about your booming business of buying and selling other people’s hard work at great profit without any fear of being held responsible for their impoverished lives. Then you can come home with another faceless fashion whore and play her the songs you learned to play at college.“What men want.” Indeed.
These are exciting times. Capitalism is facing some heavy scrutiny, but it’s by no means weakened despite the economy drunkenly riding a unicycle on a high wire. It’s fun to try and figure out who’s gonna profit from an economic collapse. Someone always profits from someone else’s loss. When huge amounts of dough seem to disappear, interesting things happen. But, like energy, money isn’t created or lost. It just moves and changes and big explosions go off. Where is the lady, where’s the lady?
These times are not without hope. With so much scrutiny, and with so many people re-assessing what it is to make money, we can see the poker face of capitalism and we can see that some of the huge profits earned through institutionalised gambling were from marked decks. Hopefully some of the money will be put back on the table and the cheaters will be marked. Then we can start the dirty game all over again.
The man in this Nivea ad (not the poor witless model, but the character) is not a teacher. He isn’t a fisherman or bartender or dentist or doctor. He is a young businessman. Possibly an estate agent. He earns a percentage. He wins when others lose. He looks like Mark Ronson. I’m sure it wasn’t intentional.
The guitar in the background represents his youth. The woman in the bed is nice to have had, but most importantly, with his suit, the smug little bastard is telling us to prioritise the professional life. We can have our childish rock’n’roll and our bimbos, but the money is where it’s at. (Notice ties are getting thinner again! Fat businessmen are out of style. The look should be slimmer now. Shows that you know how to budget. A more vertical line. Trim. Times are tight. Profit comes only to those who are quick on their feet and ruthless as fuck.)
For two decades, businessmen have been seeing themselves as rock stars up in first class; the travelling, the shades, the jewellery, the gadgets and loose women. The big problem is that some confused people in the music business try to compete with these pinheads. The men and women who own music retail chains, record companies, video channels, guitar manufacturers, publishing companies, radio stations, MySpace share-holders, and established shiny music magazines, all probably have one thing in common: they enjoy music, and are clever enough to make a living working with what they love. But if a line were to be drawn in the sand, which side would they stand on? Music over here, finance over there. It’s a tricky business selling art, advertising love, or capitalising on youthful spirit. It’s become impossible to tell the city man and the A&R man apart. Terrifying.
These times are volatile. Money doesn’t accurately reflect work done, or energy expended. It’s not a fair measure of real worth. But it’s the only measure some people understand, and they measure you by your wealth. Money is practical. I can’t exchange a box of CDs for a train ticket. In fact, I can’t exchange a box of CDs for anything these days. So when huge amounts of money get hijacked, the surface worth of everything changes and that makes for some very upset and defensive people. They can go off like rockets. But true worth is not flammable. Some of us don’t have to worry. A good bluesman doesn’t have to worry.
Nivea moisturiser isn’t anything more than rubbing paraffin on an ugly face. My doctor prescribes me the good stuff, with quite simple ingredients in it. The popular brands are designed to make you smell pretty, feel nice and moist for a while, but then they wear off so you need to buy more. That beautiful young male model in the ad may find himself scratching and wheezing in a few years as the allergies and asthma set in. Then the Nivea won’t be worth a fart. It takes axle grease to keep the skin from falling off all over your date’s dinner when your immune system fights your own hide. I could recommend some powerful steroids to help him with this.
I’d like to be the poster boy for steroid creams. In the bed beside me there’d be a big strong Danish gal rolling a joint, some old 45s and a little turntable. I’d still be in elegant pyjamas I inherited from my grandfather. The slogan would be: “If only everyday were like this.” The campaign would be called “Life’s more worth living with the help of Western medicine.” This won’t make sense to most people. But it needs to be said in case somebody understands it. He or she won’t feel so alone in their madness.
I passed this damned Nivea ad and became obsessed with it while on the way to Paris to perform on French telly. Then, on the train, I fell asleep and dreamed this dream:
I was eating lunch in Terminus Nord. The phone rang. It was my agent. They wanted me in a Levi’s ad wearing the new blue jeans that I’d designed. Tonight. “How much?” I asked. “10,000,” he said. “No way, not for under a 100 grand.”
The jeans I had designed were high-wasted, dark blue denim, or black, with small belt-loops for a skinny belt, or buttons for braces. The concealed change pocket is right up above the belt in the lining. They have two pleats and are baggy as zoots with a turn-up at the bottom. The dangling lucky dice wallet chain is sold separately. Together with a simple old thin-strap undershirt and paperboy cap, the return to the 1940’s American ghetto is put in tune with the youth of today. The return to classics brings back long lost American pride. Tattoos and diamond necklaces keep the look glamorous and dangerous. The ‘homey-chip’ in the Levi’s tag lets our friends know where we are... or we can set it to private for when we’re crime-ing.
“They want you to model them. It’s perfect timing for the album release. The publicity will be huge, and worth millions in album sales. You should probably just take the 10 grand they’re offering.”
“But Levi’s is loaded! And what about their sweatshops in Canada? Everybody knows they treat the natives like slaves and just pay them with booze and cigarettes.”
“Listen, it isn’t your job to set the work standard for the company - just design the jeans and wear ’em for the camera.”
“Okay, I’ll let you call this one, Harvey, but I’m not gonna let them tell me how to accessorise, and you can warn them ahead of time about that. I’ll be on the toilet and not taking any calls until 6pm. Ciao.”
Then the French waiter purposely pours scalding soupe à l’oignon all over my crotch and I knew the jeans were ruined... I woke up screaming. My pecker was burning from the Oil of Olay.
This moment in time is crucial. There is confusion in their camp. We need to pick the least fortified gate and crash it. Then we find the guns and melt them. Then we find the gold and put it back in the ground. Then we make the bastards play music for us while we relax for a bit. Softer. No, not like that, I’m trying to make love to your wife... Yes, that’s a sexy chord change. Now sing something about the old days before advertising made liars of us all.
Son of Dave
Etiquetas: joao lisboa, lido por ai, son of dave
Goin Back To Memphis - soledad brothers
Well I'm goin' back to Memphis
Well I'm goin' back to Memphis
Well I'm goin' back to Memphis on Highway 61
Well you know when I get there
Well you know when I get there
Well you know when I get there sure gonna have my fun
(Ah watch me now
Alright now)
How y'all feelin' now?
Let me show you how I'm feelin' alright now
(Here we go now)
Well I'm goin' back to Memphis
Well I'm goin' back to Memphis
Well I'm goin' back to Memphis on Highway 61
Well you know when I get there
Well you know when I get there
Well you know when I get there sure gonna have my fun
(Alright baby, now)
Etiquetas: late night blues, soledad brothers
young folks, versão Dawn Landes
aqui versão solo + 2 exímios tocadores de kazoo
aqui a tocar a bodyguard a solo
muito bom os sons desta miúda, que tem como day job, a profissão de engenheira de som, tendo trabalhado com gente tão dispar como philip glass e o ryan adams.
Etiquetas: Dawn Landes, late night blues
sexta-feira, março 06, 2009
A bottle of scotch
A dimesack and a diamond watch
Wouldn't you like that?
Etiquetas: coisas
quinta-feira, março 05, 2009
public announcement...with guitars!
Projecto Rock to Cuba
Em Dezembro de 2006, a vida de Maria Helena Martins Simão mudou radicalmente. Depois de lhe ser detectado um tumor na medula, foi operada de urgência no Hospital de Santa Maria. No final da operação, Lena (esposa de José e mãe de Ricardo e Daniela) ficou paraplégica do peito para baixo. A paralisia causada por esta cirurgia mantém-se até hoje.
Desde então, a família tem tentado tudo para que Lena possa voltar a ter uma vida normal. Especialistas foram consultados, tratamentos foram tentados, mas o problema permanece. E as despesas aumentam a cada dia.
Os métodos revolucionários da medicina cubana surgem agora sobre o efeito de uma esperança renovada para esta família. Na ilha de Fidel Castro, Lena espera reencontrar aquilo que a vida lhe roubou e voltar a andar.
Conceito – Rock to Cuba
Numa definição simples, Rock to Cuba é um festival de rock com o intuito de angariar fundos para a viagem de Lena a Cuba. Num conceito alargado, porém, Rock to Cuba é uma acção de solidariedade e união em volta de uma causa. É a prova viva de que, numa sociedade marcada pelo ritmo do individualismo, podemos ajudar quem precisa com a força de uma locomotiva movida pela amizade e bondade.
Todo o dinheiro angariado neste evento será para a Lena e para a sua família (bilheteira, bar, patrocinadores). Nenhum dos envolvidos, desde as bandas aos profissionais da organização, irá ganhar um único cêntimo pela sua colaboração nesta causa e todos irão comprar bilhete.
Rock to Cuba é só para a Lena. E pela Lena, vamos fazer barulho no palco dos concertos e no palco da vida.
_Angariar fundos para financiar o tratamento de Lena em Cuba
_Criar um espírito de união e solidariedade entre várias pessoas e entidades
_Divulgar as entidades que apoiarem esta iniciativa
O festival Rock to Cuba terá lugar nos dias 6 e 7 de Março (sexta e sábado), no Motoclube do Montijo.
Dia 6
Moe´s Implosion
Nicotine´s Orchestra
Duendes do Umbigo
Dia 7
The Great Lesbian Show
Canal Caveira
Tequilla Mal
5€ (1 dia)
8€ (2 dias)
* À venda no Smash Clube de Ténis (antecipadamente) e no local do evento nos dias do festival. 2 mil bilhetes emitidos.
Etiquetas: public announcement ...with guitars
quarta-feira, março 04, 2009
public announcement ...with guitars!
Etiquetas: public announcement ...with guitars
As Bob Dylan put it, about as good as someone can do
Etiquetas: as bob dylan put it, randy newman
terça-feira, março 03, 2009
vão ouvir falar deles este ano!
Etiquetas: coisas, tiguana bibles
late night blues

Podem ouvi-lo aqui. Se não tiverem com muita paciência oiçam só a Don't forget me, Vengeance is sleeping e a Middle cyclone.

Etiquetas: late night blues, neko case
domingo, março 01, 2009
Etiquetas: coisas